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Category: Create / Input


This action creates a temporary table that is typically used for one-time calculations. Sandboxes can be populated with result data of any action, or pasted from the clipboard.

Data in sandboxes survives reloads - contents don't change on partial or full reloads - although it doesn't survive re-opening the project. When a project is opened all of its sandboxes start empty.

Populating a Sandbox with data

Paste dataThis option will paste data that has been copied to the clipboard. Options for headers, delimiters, and decimal
provide fine-tuning of the pasted data.
Import datasetThis option allows for browsing to and selecting an external dataset (.dset file) to populate the Sandbox with.

Creating and Populating a Sandbox from another action

By right-clicking an action that generates output data and selecting Send to sandbox/module > New sandbox, you create a new sandbox populated with the data from the source action. Selecting New sandbox in new group creates a new group and inserts a new sandbox action populated with the data from the source action.

Use cases

Besides ad hoc calculations, sandboxes can be used together with Either table transformation Sandbox can be used to safely insert an arbitrary dataset into any point of a transformation chain, which can be useful for debugging and development purposes. In this scenario insert Either table and point its second input to a table created using Sandbox transformation.

See also

transformations/sandbox.1616421724.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/22 10:02 by dmitry

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