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Category: Workflow / App/Cloud


This action sends messages to the ntfy open-source messaging application.

Use cases

This action can be used to send various notifications and metrics to mobile devices or alert when an event happens (e.g. a metric has exceeded a threshold).

Two message types are possible:

  • A parameterized text message generated from a template
  • The first row of the active dataset

Action settings

Setting Description
Connector*Select or create a configured ntfy connector (optional).
Topic*Enter the topic name.
PrioritySelect the message's priority level. Options: Min, Low, Default, High, or Max.
Title*Check on to enter a title for the message, and enter the title's text.
Message contentsSelect whether the message body is created from The first row (unpivoted) of the input dataset, or Parameterized text.
Action buttonsAdd up to 3 actions buttons to the message.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Action button settings

Note: A maximum of 3 buttons may be added to a ntfy message.

Setting Description
Label*The text that appears on the button.
ActionSelect what is triggered when the button is pressed. Options: Open URL (and enter the destination URL*), Android intent (and select/enter the Intent title* and Extras in JSON) , or Web request (and enter the URL*, select the request method, enter any Headers, and enter the request's Body).
Clear notification after button is tappedCheck this to clear the notification when the end user presses the button.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

See also

transformations/sendntfymessage.1712893577.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/11 23:46 by craigt

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