Table of Contents
Category: Create / Generate
This action creates a table with a list of dates for a specified date range. One row corresponds to one day. Start and end dates can be defined as an absolute or relative date, or defined by a parameter.
Use cases
Use this action when you need to create a dataset of date-based values (days, weeks, weekdays, months, or years) to be used downstream.
Action settings
Setting | Description |
Date* | Select an absolute starting date value using the date-picker. |
Today | Set the starting date as today's date (relative). |
# days back* | If the To setting is either an absolute date or Today, this sets the starting time as the number of days prior to the To date. If To is set to # of days ahead, this setting will be disabled. |
* Setting can be specified using a parameter.
Setting | Description |
Date* | Select an absolute ending date value using the date-picker. |
Today | Set the ending date as today's date (relative). |
# days ahead* | If the From setting is either an absolute date or Today, this sets the ending time as the number of days after the From date. If From is set to # of days behind, this setting will be disabled. |
* Setting can be specified using a parameter.
These options define the columns that will be included in the generated dataset. At least one option must be selected. All options will generate a value for each date in the specified date range.
Setting | Description |
Date as number | When selected, dates are generated as number values with a format of dd-MMM-yyyy (e.g. 10-Mar-2021). |
Formatted date | Generates text-based date values using the selected format. Options: d/M/yyyy (e.g. 5/3/21), yyyy/MM/dd (e.g. 2021/03/05). |
Year | Geneates a list of year values in yyyy format (e.g. 2021). |
Month number | Generates a list of numeric month numbers (1-12). |
Month name | Generates a list of abbreviated month names (e.g. Jan, Feb, Mar). |
Day | Generates a list of day numbers. |
Day of week (number) | Generates a list of weekday numbers from 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday). |
Day of week (name) | Generates a list of weekday full names (e.g. "Sunday"). |
Weekend flag | Generates a list of Boolean values (TRUE/FALSE) defining whether the date falls on a weekend day (Saturday or Sunday = TRUE), or not (FALSE). |
Example #1
Create a list of dates from "January 9, 2025" to "January 16, 2025" and apply the following format yyyy/MM/dd.
After (result table)
Formatted date |
2025/01/09 |
2025/01/10 |
2025/01/11 |
2025/01/12 |
2025/01/13 |
2025/01/14 |
2025/01/15 |
2025/01/16 |
Example #2
For the date "March 20, 2021" the following settings will produce the following output values:
After (result table)
Setting | Output |
Date as number | 20-Mar-2021 |
Formatted date | (yyyy/MM/dd) 2021/03/20, (d/M/yy) 20/3/21 |
Year | 2021 |
Month number | 3 |
Month name | Mar |
Day | 20 |
Day of week (number) | 7 |
Day of week (name) | Saturday |
Weekend flag | TRUE |
See also
transformations/calendar.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/09 12:09 by craigt