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Category: Transform / Basic


This action replaces particular values in a column with new values. The new values can be either text or numbers. Multiple old values can be replaced with the same new value.

Use cases

  • Replace mistyped names and words with correct ones.
  • Replace long text values with abbreviations.
  • Replace empty cells with 0.

Action settings

ColumnSelect the column in which values will be replaced.
Before / AfterSelect the value(s) to be replaced and enter the new values in the text boxes that appear to the right.
If a value to be replaced is missingSelect how EasyMorph will react if a selected value is not in the selected column.
Options: Fail (An error will be displayed for his action.) or Ignore (missing values will be skipped and the action will replace existing values.).
Show missingThis option only appears when Ignore is selected for the If a value to be replaced is missing option, above.
The Before/After list will display the selected values that are missing in the column.

The search box can be used to find a specific value in large value lists.


Only whole values are replaced with this action, not partial matches.

If used with the Sequence transformation, it allows defining relatively small custom lists. Use Replace to replace 1 with one custom value, 2 with another one, etc.


Example #1

Expand the names of the "America" values ("N." to "North", "S." to "South").

Before (source table)

River Length (km) Continent
Nile 6650Africa
Amazon 6400S. America
Yangtze 6300Asia
Mississippi 6275N. America

After (result table)

River Length (km) Continent
Nile 6650Africa
Amazon 6400South America
Yangtze 6300Asia
Mississippi 6275North America

Action parameters:

Column: Continent
(Before) N. America: (After) North America
(Before) S. America: (After) South America

Community examples


Fast ways to create the action:

  • Right-click on the value to replace in a dataset and select "Replace (value)…".

See also

transformations/replace.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/10 18:26 by craigt

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