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Category: Workflow / External


This action can perform various commands on files and folders on a remote server over an SSH connection using the SFTP or SCP protocol:

  • Upload file(s)
  • Download file(s)
  • List files
  • List folders
  • Delete file(s)
  • Create folder
  • Rename folder
  • Delete folder

Action settings

Setting Description
ProtocolSelect the transfer protocol to use. Options: SFTP or SCP.
Connector*Select the pre-configured connector, or create a new connector, to the remote server.
CommandSelect the file/folder command to perform. Options: Download, Upload, List files, List folders, or Delete file.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Download settings

Description: Downloads files from a remote location to a local folder.

Setting Description
Remote file(s)*Enter the name of the file to be downloaded. Use wildcards to download multiple files.
Local folder*Enter or browse to and select the local folder to save the downloaded file(s) to.
If a file with such name already existsSelect how EasyMorph will handle situations when the downloaded file already exists in the local folder. Options: Overwrite (the existing file is overwritten), Do nothing (the file is not downloaded), or Halt project execution (the workflow stops and a warning is displayed).

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Upload settings

Description: Uploads files from a local folder to a remote destination.

Setting Description
Local file(s)*Enter or browse to the file to be uploaded. Use wildcards to upload multiple files.
Don't use temporary files (unsafe)Check this to upload directly without the use of temporary files.
Remote folder*Enter or browse to and select the remote folder to save the uploaded file(s) to.
If a file with such name already existsSelect how EasyMorph will handle situations when the uploaded file already exists in the remote folder. Options: Overwrite (the existing file is overwritten), Do nothing (the file is not uploaded), or Halt project execution (the workflow stops and a warning is displayed).

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

List files settings

Description: Produce a list of files, with selected details, in a specified folder on the remote server.

Setting Description
Remote folder*Select a subfolder on the remote resource to access.
ColumnsSelect the details of the found files to be included in the dataset. Each detail produces a column. Options: File name
with full path
, File name only, File extension, Size, and Date modified.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

List folders settings

Description: Produce a list of subfolders under the selected folder.

Setting Description
Remote folder*Select a folder on the remote resource to retrieve a list of subfolders from.
ColumnsSelect the details of the found subfolders to be included in the dataset. Each detail produces a column.
Options: Folder name with full path and Folder name only.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Delete file settings

Description: Deletes the specified file stored on the remote resource.

Setting Description
Remote file(s)*Enter the filename(s) of the remote file(s) to delete. Wildcards are supported.
If the file doesn't existSelect how EasyMorph handles situations when the specified file does not exist. Options: Do nothing (nothing happens, the workflow continues, no error is displayed), or Halt project execution (workflow stops, an error is displayed).

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Create folder settings

Description: Creates a new folder under the selected parent folder.

Setting Description
Parent folder*Select an existing folder that the new folder will be created in.
Folder name*Enter the name of the new folder.
If a folder with such name already existsSelect how EasyMorph handles situations when a folder with the same name as the new folder already exists. Options: Fail (workflow stops, an error is displayed) or Do nothing (nothing happens, the workflow continues, no error is displayed).

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Rename folder settings

Description: Changes the name of the selected folder.

Setting Description
Folder*Select an existing folder to be renamed.
New name*Enter a new name for the selected folder.
If a folder with such name already existsSelect how EasyMorph handles situations when a folder with the same name as the new folder already exists. Options: Fail (workflow stops, an error is displayed) or Do nothing (nothing happens, the workflow continues, no error is displayed).

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Delete folder settings

Description: Removes the selected folder.

The folder must be empty. Non-empty folders can't be deleted.

Setting Description
Folder*Select an existing folder, or enter a folder name, to delete.
If the folder doesn't existSelect how EasyMorph handles situations when the selected folder to delete doesn't exist. Options: Do nothing (nothing happens, the workflow continues, no error is displayed) or Fail (workflow stops, an error is displayed).

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.


When using SFTP, use the wildcard to transfer multiple files at once.

See also

transformations/filetransfer.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/02 07:53 by dmitry

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