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Category: Workflow / External


This action connects to a remote computer using SSH and executes one or more specified commands in the same SSH session.

The commands can have EasyMorph parameters inserted, or entirely calculated using expressions.

Use cases

  • The action can be used to trigger an external application before collecting files generated by it.
  • This action can also be used to obtain a list of files on a remote computer.

Action settings

Setting Description
Connector*Select or create a connector to the remote computer.
Commands*Enter one or more SSH commands. Commands can be static text (parameters supported) or fully calculated
(using the Expression Editor).
Halt if exit code is not 0Check this to stop the workflow and display an error if the SSH session returns a non-0 exit code.
Capture outputCheck this to have EasyMorph capture the output from the SSH session as a dataset.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

See also

transformations/sshcommand.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/03 22:46 by craigt

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