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Category: Import / File


This action creates a list of sheet names, range names, or both, in a spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx) file.

Use cases

The Spreadsheet metadata action can be convenient for extracting sheet and range names to pass down the workflow to reference specific parts of the Excel file:

  • Iterate through all or specific sheets.
  • Retrieve data from all or specific named ranges.
  • Iterate through all or specific named ranges.

Action settings

Setting Description
File*Fully-qualified file name of the Excel file (.xls or .xlsx) (includes relative or absolute path).
ModeDefines the scope of the list returned.
Options: Sheets only, Named ranges only, Sheets and named ranges.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Mode settings

Sheets onlyReturns a single-column dataset listing the sheet names found within the source file.
Named ranges onlyReturns a single-column dataset listing the named range names found within the source file.
Sheets and named rangesReturns a single-column dataset listing both the sheet names and named range names found within the source file.

See also

transformations/spreadsheetmetadata.1616954457.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/28 14:00 by craigt

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