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Category: Transform / Basic


This action removes specified values, or values of a particular type (e.g. text), from one or more columns by replacing them with empty cells.

Use cases

Clean Up is used for dealing with data quality issues - e.g. removing text values from columns where only numbers are expected, or removing specific undesired values. Most typically, Clean Up is used when importing data from Excel spreadsheets.

Action settings

ColumnClick the down arrow to choose which columns Clean Up will affect. Options: Column (and select a specific column), All columns (to clean the entire dataset), or Selected columns (and select which columns will be cleaned).
Remove…Select the types of values, or specific values, to be removed. See below.

Remove options

Remove numbersAll numeric values are removed.
Remove everything but numbersAll numbers are kept; non-numeric values are removed.
Remove text valuesAll text values are removed.
Remove everything but text valuesText values are kept; non-text values are removed.
Remove whitespace only valuesRemoves values containing only spaces.
Remove errorsAll error results are removed.
Remove particular valuesOptions: Remove selected values or Remove all but selected. When selected, a list of all unique
values in the column is displayed for the user to manually select which values to keep or remove.


Unlike Filter, this transformation doesn't remove table rows.


Example #1

Clean non-numeric data from Sales column.

Before (source table)

Salesperson Sales
Sveta 11230
Dan 8290

After (result table)

Salesperson Sales
Sveta 11230
Dan 8290

Action parameters:

Columns to clean: Sales
Option: Remove everything but numbers

Example #2

Clean improper data from the Department column.

Before (source table)

Department Headcount
Admin 4
15 15
HR 3
*TBD* 0
Sales 4

After (result table)

Department Headcount
Admin 4
HR 3
Sales 4

Action parameters:

Columns to clean: Department
Option: Remove everything but text values
Option: Remove particular values ("TBD*)

Community examples


Fast ways to create the action:

  • Right-click a value and select "Clean Up". Choose whether to "Keep only [value]" or "Remove [value]" from the submenu.

See also

transformations/cleanup.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/10 17:19 by craigt

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