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Category: Export / App & Cloud


This action exports data from EasyMorph to Google Sheets.

It can work in three modes:

  • Create a new spreadsheet
  • Create a new sheet in an existing spreadsheet
  • Replace data in an existing sheet within an existing spreadsheet

Action settings

Setting Description
Connector*Select the pre-configured connector, or create a new connector, to the Google Drive. See Google Drive connector for details.
Batch size Select the number of rows exported at once. A higher number works faster but can exceed web request limits. For extra wide tables use a lower batch size. Options: 100, 1000, or 10000.
SpreadsheetSelect whether to export to an existing sheet or to create a new sheet. Options: Select existing or Create new. See the tables below for details.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Export to an existing spreadsheet options

Setting Description
File path*Browse to the folder and select the file to be exported to.
Spreadsheet doesn't existSelect what EasyMorph will do if the selected spreadsheet does not exist. Options: Fail (stop and return a
warning) or Create (create a new spreadsheet).
SheetSelect whether to export to an existing sheet, or create a new one.
Sheet name*Select the existing sheet export to, or, if creating a new sheet, enter the sheet name.
Sheet doesn't existSelect what EasyMorph will do if the selected sheet does not exist. Options: Fail (stop and return a warning)
or Create sheet (create a new sheet).

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.

Create a new spreadsheet options

Setting Description
Folder*Select the existing folder in the Google Drive to create the new folder in.
File name*Enter the file name of the new spreadsheet.
Spreadsheet already existsSelect what EasyMorph will do if a spreadsheet with the entered file name already exists. Options: Fail (stop
and return a warning) or Replace contents (overwrite sheet).
Sheet*Enter the name of the sheet to be created.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.


When exporting to either an existing spreadsheet or a new one, the File path setting will populate once the Connector has been selected or created.

When working with an existing spreadsheet, the Sheet name setting will populate once the File name has been selected. If sheet names are not appearing in the list, click the "Refresh" button to the right.

See also

transformations/exportgooglesheets.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/09 22:40 by craigt

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