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Category: Export / App/Cloud


This action exports rows from an EasyMorph dataset into a Salesforce object.

Action settings

Setting Description
Connector* Select a configured Salesforce connector.
Object1Enter, or use the "Pick" button to browse through and select, the Salesforce object to export data to.
Error handlingChoose how EasyMorph will handle instances when rows fail to export. Options: Fail the action if a row fails to export (the workflow stops and an action error is displayed) or Return a list of rows that failed to export (the workflow continues and the current dataset is a list of rows that failed to export).
Column names in SalesforceChoose how the column names will align between EasyMorph and Salesforce. Options: Same as in EasyMorph (use the incoming dataset's column names) or Other (map the incoming dataset's column names to the names of the selected Object's column names.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.
1 Setting can be specified using a parameter or the first value of a column.

See also

transformations/exportsalesforce.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/01 15:47 by craigt

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