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Category: Workflow / External


This action updates or deletes rows in a Salesforce object.

Action settings

Setting Description
Connector* Select a configured Salesforce connector.
Object@Enter, or use the "Pick" button to browse through and select, the Salesforce object to export data to.
CommandSelect whether records are be updated or deleted within the Salesforce object. Options: Update records or
Delete records.
Salesforce record IDsSelect the column in the current dataset that contains the record IDs for the rows to be updated/deleted.

* Setting can be specified using a parameter.
@ Setting can be specified using a parameter or the first value of a column.

Update records settings

Setting Description
ColumnsSelect whether the current EasyMorph dataset's field names align with the Salesforce field names (Same as EasyMorph
option), or whether the current dataset's field names need to be mapped to the Salesforce fields (Other, and map
EasyMorph fields to Salesforce fields).
Mode(Options tab) Select the update mode EasyMorph will work in. Options: Update (update existing records based on the
current dataset; a record fails if it doesn't already exist) or Upsert (update existing records; if a record doesn't exist,
create it).
Result handling(Options tab) Choose how EasyMorph will handle instances when rows fail to export. Options: Fail the action if a row
can't be updated
(the workflow stops and an action error is displayed), Return a list of rows that failed to be updated
(the workflow continues, but the current dataset is a list of rows that could not be updated), or Return only successful rows (the current dataset becomes a list of the rows that were successfully updated).

Delete records settings

Setting Description
Error handlingChoose how EasyMorph will handle instances when rows fail to be deleted. Options: Fail if a row can't be deleted (the
workflow stops and an action error is displayed), Warn if a row can't be deleted (the workflow continues, but a column is
appended to the dataset table which holds warning messages for any rows that couldn't be deleted), or Return rows that
failed to be deleted
(the workflow continues, but the current dataset is a list of rows that could not be deleted).

See also

transformations/salesforcecommand.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/11 21:23 by craigt

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